
The Liver Cell
“The-Liver Cell” shows an artistically rendered liver cell.
The liver cell is cuboidal and measures about 20-30 µm.
The liver cell has many functions. It is involved with protein synthesis, protein storage, metabolism of carbohydrates, formation of cholesterol, bile salts and phospholipids, and participates in detoxification and excretion of both exogenous and endogenous products.
The style is reminiscent of surrealism . The complexity of brain function is reduced to its 3 major functions.
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Anatomy of Cell Function; Receive, Process, Produce, and Export
“Anatomy of Cell Function;-receive, process/produce, and export “ shows the basic process involved in human liver cellular function
The cell receives, processes, and exports.
The complexity of these three basic functions will unfold not only in the cell but in all functional systems.
The style is reminiscent of surrealism.
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Trees, US Ideology, Cells, and the Body
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Time Aging and Death
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Time Aging and Death
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Red Cell in the Blood Stream
“Red Cell in the Blood Stream” shows a single red cell floating down the river of plasma. The deformability and biconcave shape of the red cell is essential to its function. The red cell is about 7.5 to 8.5μm in diameter and 1.5 to 2.0 μm in thickness. They lack a nucleus. There are about 20–30 trillion red cells in the body representing 25% of cells in the body. In contrast there are 7.4 billion people in the world
Hemoglobin is the functional marvel in the red cell. The hemoglobin in the red cells take up oxygen in the lungs and transport it to the cells via the capillaries. The approximately 8μm cells have to fit into the approximately 5μm capillary. The red cells deform and release oxygen into the tissues .
by Ashley Davidoff MD
The art piece puts the cell in the centre of the body. The cells, acting in combination with other cells, give life to their person in accordance with the preamble of the constitution. People in combination with other people give life to their society.
by Ashley Davidoff MD
The art piece puts the cell in the centre of the body. The cells, acting in combination with other cells, give life to their person in accordance with the preamble of the constitution. People in combination with other people give life to their society.
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Constitutional Makeup of the Tree
Tree cells in combination give life to the tree in accordance with the principles of the constitution.
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Hemoglobin in the Red Cell
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Hemoglobin in the Red Cell
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Life Cycle of the Red Cell
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Normal Liver Cells
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Shapes of the Cells
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Cell Man
by Ashley Davidoff MD
by Ashley Davidoff MD
by Ashley Davidoff MD
In the Beginning
Ashley Davidoff MD
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden’s Cell Shop
Adam and Eve ventured into the Garden of Eden Cell Shop with their shopping list of the functional needs for their society.
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Osteocyte for Protection and Support
by Ashley Davidoff MD
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Monocyte for Protection
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Macrophage for Protection
by Ashley Davidoff MD
The Neuron – “Il Presidente”
They chose the brain cell or neuron for its leadership, and they playfully called it “Il Presidente.” Crucially, the neuron could connect not only with other brain cells, but also (directly or indirectly) with every cell in the body. The neuron could also react to the outside environment.
by Ashley Davidoff MD
The Neuron
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Sperm and Egg and the Kreb’s Cycle
by Ashley Davidoff MD
by Ashley Davidoff MD
The Cell and Energy Production
by Ashley Davidoff MD
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Transport of Oxygen by the Red Cell
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Stem Cell Maintenance and Repair
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Fat Cells
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Eyes Vision and the Retinal Cells
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Ears and Hearing
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Cells in the Body
by Ashley Davidoff MD



Nose and Smell
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Ears and Hearing
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Eyes and Vision
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Tongue and Taste
by Ashley Davidoff MD
by Ashley Davidoff MD
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Anabolism and Synthesis
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Thyroid Cells
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Carbohydrate Metabolism
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Protein Fats, Carbohydrates
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Adam and Eve at the Dawn of Time Tyhinking about the Design and Function of the Cells
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Carbohydrate Metabolism
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Adam and Eve Trying on the Brain Cell for Size
Adam tried on the brain cell and sought Eve’s approval. It was tailored for both the internal and external environments.
Modified public domain work of Henri Rousseau “The Dream” 1910 (MoMA)
by Ashley Davidoff MD
“Il presidente” made his first speech referencing Hillel’s sage advice: “If I am not for the body of my person who will be? And if I am only for the body of my person, then what am I? If not now when then?”
Adam and Eve nodded at each other, satisfied with their choice.
by Ashley Davidoff MD
The macrophage’s motto was the simple equation: E = mc2
Enemy of the Common Good will be taken down by the Macrophage with Great Conviction for the sake of the peace of humanity
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Repair, Process Synthesis, Produce Defence
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Red Cell with Hemoglobin Responsible for the Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
by Ashley Davidoff MD
The Liver Cell – Key in Metabolic Function in the Metabolic Warehouse of the Body
by Ashley Davidoff MD
50 representative cells overlying the stars
Adam and Eve realized that the cell was the key “person” in their society
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Cells Participating in the Design of the Body
by Ashley Davidoff MD
E Pluribus Unum – Out of Many, One
The cells knew they would be around for a long time; their grand scheme was to pursue Oneness. They understood the consequences of bullying, selfishness, greed, and jealousy. They also knew the power of goodness, integrity, humility, and sharing. The cells resolved to fight the evil aspects of humanity. 56 cells from all walks of life discussed the issue of collaborative community living, and drafted a constitution they all signed in Philadelphia. The cells submitted this proposal to Adam and Eve. It read:
“We the Cells of the Body, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United Cells of the Body.”
by Ashley Davidoff MD
The Library of Accumulated Experience in the Nucleus of the Cell
Courtesy of photograph provided by Ralf Roletschek / fahrradmonteur.de subsequently modified
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Sperm and Egg meet and Divine Inspiration Occurs
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Sperm Racing to the Ovum
by Ashley Davidoff MD
7 Cabinet Ministers Posing in Front of Government Center
The 7 cells chosen by Adam and Eve to to advise the design of the structure and function of the body.
From left to right; Liver cell (manufacture), Macrophage (defense and protection) Ovum (reproduction) Neuron (government) Sperm (reproduction) Stem cell (maintenance and repair) and Red cell (transport)
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Balance in Health
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Normal Liver Cells
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Cuboidal Cell
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Cuboidal Cell
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Squamous Cell
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Squamous Cell
by Ashley Davidoff MD
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Brain Cells – Neurons Shaped Like Trees
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Brain Cells – Neurons Shaped Like Trees
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Brain Cells – Neurons Shaped Like Trees
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Brain Cells – Neurons Shaped Like Trees
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Cell to Soul
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Malignancy in the Liver
Ashley DAvidoff MD
Ashley Davidoff MD
Art of the Cell and Its Organelles
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Ashley Davidoff MD
Type I Pneumocyte – Squamous Cell
Ashley Davidoff MD
Type II Pneumocyte – Cuboidal Cell
Ashley Davidoff MD


Ashley Davidoff MD
Ashley Davidoff MD
Ashley Davidoff MD
Ashley Davidoff MD
Ashley Davidoff MD
Ashley Davidoff MD
Ashley Davidoff MD


Art of the Cell

The Common Vein

Copyright 2009


71680b04.800 reticuloendothelial system macrophage cell wbc protection immune scavenger leukocyte white cell Davidoff art Davidoff MD normal cytology

Liver cells on the moon

This artistic rendition of a group of histological group of liver cells that have been transformed into a ball with a crater like appearance of a colorful moon.

Davidoff art 13440c06i07

Surface of the Cell

71798b13b03.800 cell endoplasmic reticulum mitochondria fat droplet absorbtion by microvilli processing cisterna interdigitaion of cells pinocytic vesicle intercellular space function absorbtion Davidoff art Davidoff MD

Cells organized in a Rosette

39939b03.800 exocrine gland epithelium ductule histology cytoplasmic granules nucleus Davidoff art

Cells in Action

71798b13d01.800 interactions action reaction environment waves particles molecules cells forces order disorder energy structure Davidoff art Davidoff MD

Nerve Cells in Action

72046b04b12.8s presynaptic ending synaptic ceft post synaptic ending voltage gated calcium channel chemical gated ion channel neuroceptors synaptic vesicles containing neurotransmitters membrane voltage mitochondria nerve sensory berve synapse dorsal horn first order neuron second order neuron impulse propogation transmission voltage gated calcium channel releases calcium ions stimulates synaptic vesicles to release nurotransmitters into the cleft which attach and stimulate specifc receptors called chemical gated ion channel which results sodium entry into the cell and initiation of action potential normal physiology Davidoff art copyright 2008

Columnar Cells in Color

70043cD08.800 cells columnar epithelium food processing packing packaging digestion absorbtion excretion Davidoff art Davidoff MD

Problem with the Timing of OneCell

85198gc25.08 cells epithelium columnar epithelium nucleus cytoplasm cell time adenocarcinoma aberrant growth malignant cancer neoplasm death cycle normal life span age growth mucus dysplasia histopathology hyperchromatic nucleus increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio Davidoff art Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD copyright 2009 all rights reserved

A Cancer Cell – Aberrant Sense of Time

The image represents the life of a single set of columnar cells showing a progressioon of generations as the cell lives dies and is regenerated. The orange secretions of the cell are seen in the background of the pink cytoplasm and the purple nucleus. The nucleus of the newesest generation and cell is seen as a clock that has become distorted and time has become disordered. This process is abnormal and is a forerunner of a malignant process.

histology time malignancy cancer columnar cell histopathology Davidoff art copyright 2009 all rights reserved  85198j03s.81s

A Cancer Cell – Aberrant Sense of Time

The image represents the life of a single set of columnar cells showing a progressioon of generations as the cell lives dies and is regenerated. The orange secretions of the cell are seen in the background of the pink cytoplasm and the purple nucleus. The nucleus of the newesest generation and cell is seen as a clock that has become distorted and time has become disordered. This process is abnormal and is a forerunner of a malignant process.  The background is a collage of cytopatholagical specimens obtained from the liver representing a variety of metastases from different primary sites but all matked by large nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio.

03183c05.8s cell hyperchromatic increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio disordered time cytopathology blue malignant cancer Davidoff art Copyright 2009

Cells in a factory line

32347b01 colon large bowel columnar cell colonic mucosa epithelium simple columnar epithelium rectangle shape Manhattan apartments Davidoff art Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

medical art